
Monday 8 October 2012

The Fast Track To Getting Pro At DOTA 2

There are a lot of DOTA 2 guides on the Internet and they all claim to provide the best, biggest and most thorough training manuals in the industry. But, the truth is that many of them are partial, poorly written, and too generic to teach you anything new.
I mean, c’mon! How many more times do we need to learn what the difference is between Intel heroes and Agility Heroes?
That stuff is old.
But if you want the good stuff, then this will surely grab your attention.
While I’m not exactly a noob, I remember when I was one and it was tough going. Finding someone who understand what a noob or an intermediate but struggling player know and doesn’t know and can write for them is not the easiest thing in the world.
So, when I found out about T Dub Sanders’ new DOTA 2 guide, I was excited to see what he could do with it because there’s just so many heroes in DOTA 2… how on earth could he cover it all? There’s so much material and I was really skeptical if it didn’t copy something on the Internet that I already knew by heart!
But he has definitely proven me wrong. His guide is good and I’ve learned heaps of stuff about it.
But, the real questions is whether or not the guide is going to be worth the purchase price. Would it make a big difference?
The answer is a big yes.
He really goes in depth on all the information and he leaves no stone unturned.
If you need a DOTA 2 guide, don’t settle for all the crap that is floating around out there. Check out what T Dub is offering with his powerful new guide and I guarantee that there will be people begging you to play on their team.

Click Here to guide you to be PRO!!